Understanding the power of Public Procurement as an innovation purchasing tool: the BUILD white paper is now available

Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) is increasingly recognised as a strategic tool to address the complex challenges cities and societies face today. From sustainability and digital transformation to the need for more resilient public services, PPI enables governments to lead the way by leveraging their purchasing power to drive innovation. However, despite its potential, PPI remains an underutilized tool in many regions, largely due to limited capacity, complex regulations, and a lack of strategic alignment. That’s where the BUILD project comes in!

What does the BUILD publication offer?


The BUILD white paper provides a comprehensive roadmap for cities and public authorities aiming to strengthen their innovation procurement capabilities. Drawing on experiences and case studies from municipalities across Europe, the publication delves into:


  • The state of the art of PPI: understand where PPI stands today and how European cities are adopting it to achieve both local and broader policy goals.
  • Key challenges and solutions: explore the common barriers faced by public authorities and companies, with practical recommendations for overcoming them.
  • Proven procurement procedures: learn about the innovative procurement methods, such as Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Innovation Partnerships, that are shaping the future of public services.
  • Real-world case studies: discover how cities like Turku, Rotterdam, and Tartu are using PPI to pioneer sustainable and efficient solutions in various sectors.
  • Policy recommendations and incentives: unlock the incentives—both financial and non-financial—that can support municipalities and companies to engage in PPI.

A collaborative effort for a stronger community

The BUILD project was not just a standalone effort. It closely collaborated with a variety of initiatives, contributing to the formation of a broader Innovation Procurement community—the Innovation Procurement Task Force (IPTF). Through this synergy, the project was able to offer high-quality training sessions, educational resources, and a top-knotch conference on scaling-up Innovation Procurement in Europe (SIPE Conference) to support the continuous capacity building of public buyers and stakeholders.

Why should you read the BUILD publication?

If you’re a policymaker, public buyer, or innovation enthusiast looking to:

  • Boost your city’s innovation capabilities
  • Navigate the complexities of PPI
  • Gain insights from best practices and success stories

…then this publication is for you.


Ready to dive in?

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.