Challengers meet Solvers thanks to InnoBuyer’s market consultations

Are you on the hunt for ways to accelerate your innovation procurement process? InnoBuyer, a project designed to revolutionize the way we approach innovation procurement, might suit your needs.

The InnoBuyer initiative is all about bringing together both large public and private organizations, known as Challengers, and creative small to medium-sized enterprises (Solvers) with a shared goal: co-creating innovative solutions through a streamlined innovation procurement model.

Benefits of market consultations

Recently conducted 15 Open Market Consultation Sessions focused on addressing unique challenges across diverse sectors, such as:

· education,

· energy & water,

· healthcare,

· public administration,

· manufacturing,

· transports.

The primary objectives were to facilitate productive dialogues between Challengers and potential Solvers, delve into available funding opportunities, explore potential solutions, and discuss various types of pilot programs.

Further support – financial award for best innovation procurers

Their journey to concrete innovation procurement doesn’t stop there. In the next phase, Challengers will have the opportunity to fine-tune their challenge descriptions. The plan is to launch ten of the challenges in a call for innovation suppliers scheduled for October and November 2023.

The most promising Suppliers/Solvers selected during this process stand to win substantial rewards, with the potential to secure up to €58.5k.

Stay up-to-date in numerous fields of innovation

If you missed any of the informative Open Market Consultation Sessions, you can access the recordings to catch up on the discussions and insights:

  • For topics like AI, video detection, drones, and data collection, watch the recording here.
  • Interested in green mobility, power grids, or green vehicles? The recording is available here.
  • If you’re keen on healthcare and predictive analytics, don’t miss the recording here.
  • Are you an innovatie start-up in the materials, hydrogen or electrolysis fields? Watch the video here
  • Interested in AI, video detection, materials and/or gelcoat application fields? Your information is here
  • Are you dealing with eHealth, healthcare and/or medical devices fields? Find more here
  • Planning to deal with AI, digitalization of procedures and/or IT fields? Get your insights here
  • Interested in large language models, law and/or IT fields? Find more here

For more topics and updates, you can explore the official InnoBuyer website here.

In your pursuit of innovation procurement excellence, don’t forget to stay tuned for the BUILD project. It offers invaluable tools, insights and updates in the realm of innovation procurement.

Useful Links


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.