BUILD Project: Empowering Innovation Procurement through Targeted Training for Public Buyers

In the rapidly evolving landscape of urban development, harnessing innovation through public procurement has become not just an option, but a critical necessity. This principle forms the cornerstone of the BUILD project, which is dedicated to empowering public buyers with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the realm of innovative procurement effectively. As cities face unprecedented challenges, the ability to adopt sustainable innovation becomes increasingly vital. This spring, the BUILD consortium successfully implemented a series of training activities for public buyers, aimed at fostering cooperation, knowledge sharing, and ultimately, the widespread adoption of sustainable innovation across cities.

Objectives of the Training Sessions

The core objectives of the project’s training sessions were crystal clear. Firstly, the emphasis was on encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange among public buyers, paving the way for sustainable innovation. Secondly, the focus was on enhancing the innovation know-how of buyers, shedding light on the co-design process between SMEs and buyers, thus facilitating the discovery and acquisition of cutting-edge technological solutions.

Designing the Training Sessions

The BUILD procurement experts orchestrated four national training sessions, which took place in Finland, Estonia, The Netherlands, and Slovakia, alongside an English webinar catering to an international audience. Targeting procurement specialists and motivated public buyers ensured that the training time was utilised efficiently, focusing on practical case examples rather than theoretical backgrounds. Central to the training structure were real-life case examples, selected to cover a spectrum of procurement methodologies and considerations. Each country contributed with at least two exemplary cases, covering crucial aspects such as guiding principles, legal frameworks, market consultation, and risk assessment.


The Webinar: Spreading Knowledge to an International Audience

The webinar delved into real-world scenarios, including pilot procurements based on outcomes, competitive dialogues for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions, and negotiation procedures for zero-emission vehicles. Each case study offered invaluable insights into market dialogue and risk management, encapsulating the essence of effective innovation procurement.

The webinar can be re-watched here.


The National Training Sessions: Tailoring Knowledge Exchange to Local Needs

Building upon the collected cases and the webinar experience, the BUILD Innovation Procurement experts from each partner country were ready to disseminate their knowledge to their fellow colleagues. Each training had a different agenda and specific topics, addressing the local needs but also sharing the successful tools and practices already existing in the respective countries.

Stay tuned for upcoming articles delving into each training session’s main speakers, topics, and lessons learned.

Let’s boost Innovation Procurement together!

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.